Class Schedule

Intro 1 - Overview of NLP (8/31/2021)

Intro 2 - Text Classification (9/2/2021)

Intro 3 - Language Modeling and NN Basics (9/7/2021)

Intro 4 - Neural Network Basics and Toolkit Construction (9/9/2021)

Modeling 1 - Recurrent Networks (9/14/2021)

Modeling 2 - Conditioned Generation (9/16/2021)

Modeling 3 - Attention (9/21/2021)

Representation 1 - Pre-training Methods (9/23/2021)

Representation 2 - Multi-task, Multi-domain, and Multi-lingual Learning (9/28/2021)

Representation 3 - Prompting + Sequence-to-sequence Pre-training (9/30/2021)

Experimentation 1 - Interpreting and Debugging NLP Models (10/5/2021)

Analysis 1 - Word Segmentation and Morphology (10/7/2021)

Experimentation 2 - Experimental Design (10/12/2021)

Break -- No Class! (10/14/2021)

Analysis 2 - Syntactic Parsing 1 (10/19/2021)

Analysis 3 - Syntactic Parsing 2 (10/21/2021)

Analysis 4 - Semantic Parsing (10/26/2021)

Applications 1 - Text-based QA (10/28/2021)

Applications 2 - Dialog (11/02/2021)

Applications 3 - Computational Social Science, Bias and Fairness (11/4/2021)

Applications 4 - Information Extraction and Knowledge-based QA (11/9/2021)

Learning 1 - Modeling Long Sequences (11/11/2021)

Learning 2 - Structured Learning Algorithms (11/16/2021)

Learning 3 - Latent Variable Models (11/18/2021)

Learning 4 - Adversarial Methods for Text (11/23/2021)

Thanksgiving -- No Class!! (11/25/2021)

Poster Presentations (11/30/2021 and 12/2/2021)