Neural Semantic Parsing (3/26/2019)
- Combinatory Categorial Grammar and Lambda Calculus
- Graph-based Models of Semantics
- Shallow Semantics: Semantic Role Labeling
- Recommended Reading (no quiz this class, but material may be useful anyway): Jurafsky and Martin Chapters 17 and 18
- Reference: Geoquery (Zelle and Mooney 1996)
- Reference: Free917 (Cai and Yates 2013)
- Reference: Robocup (Wong and Mooney 2006)
- Reference: If This Then That (Quirk et al. 2015)
- Reference: Hearthstone Dataset/Latent Predictor Networks (Ling et al 2016)
- Reference: Django Dataset (Oda et al. 2015)
- Reference: Sequence-to-sequence Semantic Parsing (Jia and Liang 2016)
- Reference: Sequence-to-tree Parsing (Dong and Lapata 2016)
- Reference: Interfacing with FreeBase (Dong et al. 2015)
- Reference: Learning from Weak Supervision (Guu et al. 2017)
- Reference: Interactive Learning of Semantic Parsers (Wang et al. 2017)
- Reference: Syntax for Code Generation (Yin and Neubig 2017)
- Reference: Abstract Meaning Representation (Banarescu et al. 2013)
- Reference: Minimal Recursion Semantics (Copestake et al. 2005)
- Reference: Universal Conceptual Cognitive Annotation (Abend and Rappoport 2013)
- Reference: Dependency->Semantics (Reddy et al. 2017)
- Reference: CCG->Semantics (Zettlemoyer and Collins 2005)
- Reference: Neural Module Networks (Andreas et al. 2016)
- Reference: Supertagging w/ LSTMs (Vaswani et al. 2016)
- Reference: Neural Parsing for AMR (Damonte et al. 2017)
- Reference: Neural Parsing for AMR (Peng et al. 2017)
- Reference: Linearization for Graph-based AMR (Konstas et al. 2017)
- Reference: Graph Parsing w/ Linearized Trees (Buys and Blunsom 2017)
- Reference: Graph Parsing w/ "Remote" Transition (Hershcovich et al. 2017)
- Reference: Semantic Role Labeling (Gildea and Jurafsky 2002)
- Reference: Neural Semantic Role Labeling (He et al. 2017)
Slides: Semantic Parsing Slides
Sample Code: Semantic Parsing Code Examples